Attributes of God: Intellectual

In this sermon, Pastor Dan discusses the Intellectual characteristics of God. Those being Omniscience (perfect knowledge), Omnisapience (perfect wisdom), and Veracity (truth, truthfulness, faithfulness). Knowing that God has all knowledge, all wisdom, and is perfectly faithful and true is comforting for the child of God and should be sobering for the unrepentant. The child of God can rest knowing that the God of creation who knows all things has sovereignly decreed the greatest good for His children and He always fulfills His promises. The lost person should cower for this God who knows all things knows their darkest sins. And, to Him they must give account. There is good news for the sinner too! Jesus paid the sin debt for all who put their trust in Him (1 Peter 2:24, Romans 6:23). Repent and believe the gospel (Romans 10:9-10).

Church Membership: What Is It And Why We Have It

Church membership is an often misunderstood concept. In the early church, you were baptized into the church that would be your church home until death, Christ’s return, or until you were sent out to plant another house church. Church was then and is now supposed to be a family, a unified body, a citizenship, a temple. Now, people treat churches like retail shops, consuming a little bit from each one, seldom seeing any one church as a family to commit to. Since Jesus has given us commands as a church, and elders/overseeing have been charged by God to shepherd the church which Christ bought with HIs own blood, it is essential that we communicate what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ as a whole, part of this church specifically, and what that means as we commit to one another. In this Sermon, Pastor Dan talks about membership and asks everyone to pray about formally committing as members.

Attributes of God: Aseity and Immutability

Continuing our Series on The Attributes of God, Pastor Dan teaches on the Aseity and Immutability of God, providing clarification and understanding on what both terms mean as God has revealed Himself. God is unchanging and is the source of all life. He has no need for counsel or sustenance from any other being as He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe! For a more detailed study, sign up for Underground Seminary at

Grace Alone

In this sermon Pastor Dan teaches on salvation by Grace Alone (Not Merit). Contrary to the Roman Catholic Council of Trent that teaches the need for meritorious works along with grace as well as the self-valuing merit taught by the Word Faith movement, Salvation is by Grace alone. As we discuss this topic in Ephesians 2 and other passages, we turn the focus on God’s glory for HIs mercy and grace in moving us from death into life in Christ.

Glory To God Alone

This week Dan taught from Colossians 1, Genesis 3, and Romans 1 on the importance of giving glory to God alone. The first sin was disobedience related to pride. Ultimately every sin stems from a rejection of God as we commit idolatry.

Resurrection Sunday

This Resurrection Sunday, we gathered at Nordson Depot to worship Christ and celebrate His Resurrection. Pastor Dan taught from John 20, but not before establishing the context for the resurrection by addressing the Grand Narrative (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). We discussed the need for atonement, what Christ did on the cross, and then discussed how the disciples (most specifically, Thomas came to believe as Jesus revealed Himself!

Christ Alone

Despite popular opinions in both secular and “Christian” groups, salvation is exclusively in Christ alone. Religious pluralism fails the test of logical coherence and fails to pass the text of biblical accuracy. As we will see in Romans 5 as well as in the whole counsel of Scripture, Christ alone can save.

Scripture Alone

Pastor Daniel Samms teaches on the authority of Scripture as the primary authority for Christians. Addressing the biblical concepts of Scripture as God-Breathed (theopneustos) and sufficient, we point out that there is no need for further revelation (contra New Apostolic Reformation) and note that our experience, emotion, opinions, etc. must bow to the authority of Scripture (not the other way around). In the process, we address the centrality of Christ and His redeeming work as being the focus of Scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). Notably, if there were to be “new revelation” (there isn’t), it should have the same focus. Sadly, all that is elevated as authoritative outside of the Word of God turns out to focus much more on man than on Christ, a telling reality to the false teachers of our day. In the process of teaching we affirm the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture as we teach from 2 Timothy 3 and 2 Peter 1.

Faith Alone

Pastor Dan took us through Hebrews 11 to remind us of the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. We took some time to cite “The Five Solas” of the Reformation and then proceeded to follow Hebrews 11 as the author of Hebrews traces the doctrine of salvation by faith from creation to present.

Episode 12: Is The Gospel For Everybody?

Guest Speaker, Calvin Dorsey teaches from Scripture on Revelation 7 and what it means for people of all nations and tribes to be gathered before the throne.  He addresses what "nations" means in the original text and how the concept of ethnic division has entered into the Church and how it can and must be overcome by the gospel.  This is a powerful message that everyone needs to hear.  

Episode 11: Kingdom Conduits

Todd Sovine, Director of Church Planting for the Central District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance talks about Matthew 13:33 and the role we have to infuse the Kingdom of God into culture rather than isolate ourselves from it.  

Episode 9-Made Alive-Ephesians 2:1-10

Dan Samms introduces Ephesians and talks about new life in Christ.  He goes into detail about the three parts of a person (Body, Soul, Spirit) and what it means to be physically alive but spiritually dead.  Jesus' role in spiritual regeneration and His glory and dominion are essential.  

God came to earth to reveal Himself and pay your sin debt (John 1:14, 1 John 2:2, 1 Peter 3:18).  Romans 6:23 says, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Put simply, we earn death by sinning, but God gives us the free gift of eternal life, because of Jesus' sacrifice.  There is nothing you can do to earn a gift.  All you have to do is accept it.  Romans 10:9 gives us a simple way to accept it: "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  


    Episode 8-The Priesthood of All Believers (1 Peter 2)

    1 Peter 2 talks about how every believer has a priestly ministry to bring Jesus to everyone.  We discuss what that means on a practical level.  We are to make disciples everywhere we go, understanding our role as priests is vital to that task.  Dan Samms get's specific and practical about how to bring Jesus into situations as we make disciples and live our lives.  

    Episode 7 Resurrection Proclamation and Sending

    Pastor Dan Samms delivers a sermon on Easter Sunday about the Resurrection and what it means to both believe and proclaim the Gospel.  Music Credit: Seven Year Glitch "Love's Last Fight"

    Restoration is a church in Amherst, OH that is designed for people who feel like they don't fit in at church.  We exist to glorify God by making disciples together.  We are different than a lot of churches.  Instead of a large building and a lot of programming, we keep it simple.  Our church meets in coffeehouses, bars, parks, and homes to keep cost low and maximize our ability to connect people with God and each other.  For an understanding of simple church, we recommend reading Simple/House Church Revolution by Roger Thoman.  Download it free here.  

    At Restoration, we believe that people matter more than programs.  We don't offer a lot of activities to keep you busy; we offer relationships to make you whole.  Have you ever gone to a church with good music and good teaching but where no one would notice if you were gone?  We don't let that happen, because we have a lot of small groups rather than one large one (though we sometimes get everyone together for special times of worship, teaching, and prayer).  It is hard to be forgotten when everybody knows your name.  

    You may be searching for meaning or for help in the midst of some crisis.  You may be searching for answers or just for meaningful relationships.  Either way, you might find what you are looking for here. 

    Episode 6

    Dan Samms, Juri Ammari, and Calvin Dorsey talk about current events in light of the Kingdom of God.  Issues related to the election, Trump, Sanders, unity, and Jesus' Reign.  

    Episode 4

    Dan and Kevin talk about what happens when a person puts their trust in God.  We discuss forgiveness, the draw of the Holy Spirit, and the miraculous work of God to restore everything.