

Teenagers don’t need to be entertained to grow in Christ. Our church places a high value on discipleship being in the hands of parents. We also know that the teen years are a critical time for maturing spiritually and that fellowship and knowledge are both critical. So, we keep our youth group simple and built around those things. We get together on Sunday evenings to study theology and apologetics from Scripture. The group is hosted by parents and taught by a pastor or elder. We don’t mess around. Students take notes, ask questions, and discuss related topics. Then, once we are done we spend as much (or more) hanging out. We like being together, so we might swim in the lake, go bowling, play pool, or just relax together.

Sundays at 6pm

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Discipleship and Equipping

We believe that teens should be equipped for adulthood. Our youth group meetings are not about entertainment. We focus on discipleship, theology, and apologetics because we want them to be grounded in Christ and prepared to enter adulthood as godly men and women. We are taking our students through Underground Seminary which involves substantial theological knowledge and active discussion. Classes cover topics like the canon of Scripture, the doctrine of Christ, understanding the Trinity, and more. Each student gets a fill-in-the-blank workbook for each topic of study.


Knowing Christ is not something limited to study. While we think that a lot of youth programs have cheated students out of theological study, we do think that fellowship is a critical aspect of spiritual growth and maturity. Also, God receives glory when we have fun. Our group spends a lot of time hanging out, enjoying the outdoors (we often meet at a place on the lake), and just being together. If you have any questions or would like to find out what we are currently studying, just email pastor Dan at dan@restorationhcn.org.

Study Topics In Order

Introduction to Theology
(What is theology and how does it relate to my life?)
(What is the Bible? How did we get the Bible? How do I know it is true?)
Doctrine of God
(Who is God? What is He like? How is God one being and three Persons?)
(How and why is Jesus truly God and truly man? Who is He and what does He do?)
(What is the Holy Spirit like? What does He do? What is His role in my life?)

Essential Doctrines
(What every Christian should believe and why)
Bible Study Methods
(How to study the Bible without getting bored or confused)
Make Disciples
(How to make sure your friends know Jesus, know the basics, and grow in faith.
Evangelism and Apologetics
(How to logically, boldly, and graciously defend the faith)