The message of Jesus is much more comprehensive than we acknowledge. The gospel (good news about Jesus) is more than a piece of information. It is more than religious dogma. Jesus doesn't want mere lip service or religious practice. He wants your whole life. He wants you to trust and follow Him with all that you are and all that you have.
He wants you to follow Him completely, so that He can restore you completely.
Before the world was created, God planned for you to be in relationship with Him. In that relationship, you would experience ultimate fulfillment as you live out your God-given destiny. Your relationships with others would be whole. Your relationship with yourself would be whole. Life would have been perfect.
However, as a result of the first man's mistake (Genesis 3) as well as the things you as an individual have done wrong (sin), that relationship with God was broken (Romans 5).
Every broken thing in this world is the result of sin. Every death. Every disease. Every heartbreak. The pain you experience right now (emotional, physical, spiritual, relational) is the direct result of human sin (individually and collectively).
But, God is in the business of making broken things whole again.
Jesus' death and resurrection is not merely a way for you to get out of Hell and into Heaven; it is the means by which He makes all things new. His resurrection brings a reversal of death. Spiritual death is restored as we Trust in Jesus (Romans 6:23, 10:9). From there, God begins His healing work in our emotions, relationships, bodies, and community.
God restores every area of our life that we surrender to Him. The problem is that we keep holding back parts of our lives. We miss out on restoration, because we keep trying to do things on our own.
Don't settle. Let God make all things new in your life, your family, your community, and the world.
This is why we are it's called "Restoration."