Jesus: Creator, Redeemer, King | Christmas Eve 2023

Jesus: Creator, Redeemer, King | Christmas Eve 2023

Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Christ, but this event has far greater implications than many understand. This sermon gives a brief overview of how the Bible fits together in one, comprehensive metanarrative in which the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central, paradigmatic event.

The Bible is understood best in four movements that together explain what we call the Gospel (Good news), the message that Jesus Christ has died to pay for our sins, rose from the dead to give us new life, and is currently making all things new. The four movements are Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. We have hope of eternal glory because of His saving work.

State of the Church 2024 | Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 16: 13-19

State of the Church 2024 | Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 16: 13-19

The Headship of Christ | Ecclesiology 3

The Headship of Christ | Ecclesiology 3

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