Obedience to Christ Against Tyranny
Tyranny is when an authority or group of authorities steps outside their God-ordained roles either through overstep or abdication of responsibilities. 1 Samuel 8 warns against tyranny as the prophet reminds God's people that the tyrant will seek to place himself in the role of God, taking a tenth, conscripting for war, and taking children for his purposes. The ultimate solution is to obey God and defy tyrants. The choice is between Christ and chaos. Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Mark 12:28ff, and Matthew 28:18-20 provide clear directions on how to battle tyranny through faithful living. However, there are a few other key passages such as Exodus 1, Daniel 1,3, and 6, Acts 5:29, and Judges 3 and 4 that give models for how to respond to tyranny.