All tagged salvation

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Have you ever considered the fact that Life can only have meaning if Someone created you with a purpose.  Accidents don’t have a purpose.  Purpose presupposes that you were created, specifically it presupposes that your Creator wanted you to fulfill the purpose He had for you.  

That’s good news.  Someone Created you.  Someone wants you.  You are not an accident.  

Everything comes back to Jesus.  It is all about Him.  Fortunately, we have the most evidence for Jesus, His death, and His resurrection.  

I have a simple logical argument that can be simplified in this equation:


Notably, this argument comes primarily from the mind and scholarship of Dr. Gary Habermas.[3]  His bookThe Historical Jesus, among many others is absolutely invaluable to apologetic efforts.  I highly recommend his work.  Lee Strobel is also a good author on the subject.  His book The Case for Christ has helped many come to faith.  I think you will find Strobel easier to start with.  Habermas is a good next step.

There are 4 primary criteria that must be met for a first century historical document to be considered reliable:

  • Number of copies (the more the better, at least 26)
  • Few Variant Readings (the fewer contradictions between copies, the better)
  • Date of Writing (the earlier, the better)
  • Number of Sources (the more corroborating, the better)