God often tells us direction before destination.
When God called Abraham in Genesis 12, he didn't give him a plan or a destination. God said, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." That's it. He didn't give him a map. He didn't tell him where He would end up. God simply said to leave everything and go to a place that He would reveal later.
This is not the way any of us like to plan a trip. We want to know where we are going and how we are going to get there. We plan for contingencies and allocate resources. We want to know we have enough food, fuel, and money to get where we are going to go.
This is not how God leads.
I wan to feel safe knowing the what, where, and how. God just wants me to rest in the why. He wants me to trust in Who He is.
God seems to call us out of things before He calls us to things, and in between He just wants us to trust Him. I'm becoming more comfortable with following God without a map. All I have is a compass that points to Him, and as long as I've God Him I have all that I need.
Are you sensitive to the Holy Spirit's direction? He may not be telling you where you are going or what is next, but He will always help you know Who to trust.