A lot of Christians talk about having "time alone with God " or "quiet time" or "devotions." For a lot of people (even other Christians), it is hard to know what they mean. While there are many terms to describe it, most are generally referring to time that it set apart to connect with God.
Hopefully, we are staying connected with God throughout the day by taking him into account as we make decisions, by talking to Him moment by moment. However, it is a important to set aside some daily time to connect with God. There is no required formula for it, but it helps to have a general idea. So, I'm sharing a general overview I recommend.
I usually write in a journal. You don't have to, but it helps me with my thoughts. Here is what I write/pray/do:
- Thanks
- Feeling
- Confession
- Requests
- Read
- Praise
Thanks. I begin by writing out whatever comes to mind right then that I am thankful for. Not only does it glorify God, it puts me in a good mood. When I start my day with thanks I remember how blessed I am, and my whole day is better.
Feeling. This is where I just write a few sentences about how I'm feeling and what is on my mind. It helps me process and is a way for me to bring God into the trials and joys of my life. I remember that God is with me, and that is good news.
Confession. As I am processing the things on my mind and bringing God into my thoughts, I'm opening myself up gentle conviction from God about the areas of my life that are not in line with his will. When they come to mind, this is when I confess and seek His forgiveness.
Read. I like to read a few verses or a chapter. The focus here isn't taking in lots of information. Instead, the goal is to meditate on God's word. I recommend reading something simple here. Proverbs is good. Any of the writings of Paul (Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, etc.). The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are also good. See it as a time to hear from God and dwell on His truth.
Praise. Different than thanks, this is simply acknowledging aspects of God's nature and worshipping Him for it. I like writing things out. Remember things He has done. Worship Him for who He is. The more you focus on the greatness of God, the more you will remember that anything is possible with Him.
Obviously, you don't have to do it this way. I just wanted to share something that works for me. Generally, this whole time only takes me about 15-30 minutes. On some days, it's only 5 minutes. Anything you do to connect with God (preferably at the beginning of the day) is a very good thing. You may be surprised at what you see Him do when you stay connected to Him.