All tagged Atonement

The Doctrines of Grace | Particular Atonment

The doctrine of the atonement is central to the Gospel. Jesus paid our sin debt, restoring us back to God. This doctrine has been under attack from liberals and “progressives” for years. However, the truth of the Gospel as it relates to Christ’s substitutionary atonement stands strong. In this sermon, we address several key passages to define the doctrine and understand how it relates to our salvation and to our evangelism efforts.

Attributes of God | Moral | Goodness-Love, Mercy, Grace, Benevolence, Patience

In this sermon from Restoration Church, Daniel Samms does a brief overview of the Attributes of God series Restoration Church has been in before going into a study of God's Goodness, specifically His benevolence, grace, mercy, patience, and love. Special attention is given to 1 John 4 and Galatians 5 as we see that the Holy Spirit works in the believer to grow spiritual fruit not as a result of the believer working hard to do good, but as a result of abiding in Christ. It is no coincidence that the fruits of the Spirit are directly related to God’s goodness. We are formed into he image of God by the Holy Spirit as we worship God.

Attributes of God | Moral | Righteousness and Holiness

In this sermon from Restoration Church, Daniel Samms does a brief overview of the Attributes of God series Restoration Church has been in before going into a study of God's Righteousness and Holiness, leading to a clear understanding of how we fall short of God's glory because of our sin, but Jesus dies to satisfy the wrath and justice of God, transferring His righteousness to us. The ultimate result is that God receives glory in the Gospel, because His righteousness is revealed!