Restoration is a network of house churches.
We make disciples, gather together, and
equip people to minister.
Restoration is a network of house churches.
We make disciples, gather together, and
equip people to minister.
Many churches start with buildings and programs, hoping to gather a lot of people and then disciple them. This is not how Jesus taught us to do it. In fact, Jesus didn't teach us to plant churches, He told us to make disciples. So, that's what we do. We make disciples. Then those disciples meet in home churches. Want to join us?
The singular mission of the Church is to make disciples. Sadly, most modern Christians have never been discipled, nor have they ever discipled another person. Restoration sees this as a serious problem, so we have placed obedience to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19--20) as a high priority. Don't know how to disciple someone? We will equip you!
Restoration Church is really a network of house churches that meet in homes all over the world. Each House Church seeks to plant another house church every year using Jesus' model from Luke 10. This allows us to equip every follower of Jesus to make more followers of Jesus, maximizing our resources and reflecting the First Century Church as much as possible.
We wanted to provide advanced training in Bible study methods, theology, apologetics, evangelism, discipleship, house church planting and facilitation, practical ministry, and more. So, we created Underground Seminary. It is a FREE to everyone in our church, and it is designed to give you better-than-seminary equipping in the form of graduate level study.
Our Church
We are a network of bible-believing house churches holding to reformed doctrine. We make disciples, gather together, and equip the saints. We don’t have a lot of programming, because every member is about the work of spreading the Gospel.
What We Believe
Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for the glory of God alone according to Scripture alone.